7 Effective Tips to Write a Summary of an Article

7 Effective Tips to Write a Summary of an Article

A summary is a short way to express the main ideas and points to the reader wording without altering the main points. Summary plays an important role in writing. While writing the summary, you always need to pay full attention to the content that you want to summarize.

In today’s world, writers use to write short paragraphs because readers prefer to read articles that are short in length and have descriptive meaning. Writing a summary of the article is not easy, and it takes many working hours to summarize it.

But you don’t have to worry more about summarizing. In the article, we will show you the most helpful tips for writing a summary in a short time.

7 Easy Ways to Write a Summary of an Article

Summarizing the article can be very time-consuming, but these steps we will talk about can save you time.

Here are 7 steps that can help you in writing a summary.

  • Read and understand the article
  • Extract the main point
  • Reduce the content length
  • Explain the main points
  • Use descriptive words
  • Use the summarizing tool
  • Proofread the article

Let’s discuss them in detail.

1) Read and Understand the Article

The first thing in preparing the summary of the article is to examine and observe the text. Ideally, you must read and reread the article 2-3 times and ensure that you understand it properly.

For better understanding, read the content in the tone and temper of the author. This will definitely help you understand the content’s meaning.

2) Extract the Main Points

Done reading and understand the content? The next step is highlighting the content’s main points and writing them on a notepad. Without the main points, a summary of an article is useless, and the reader will not prefer to read it.

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Giving the solution to the reader’s problem is what the main points are. You just have to extract those main points which are useful in the content.

You also need to extract the main keywords from the content. Along with this, keywords are the most important part of ranking the site on search engines like Google and Bing.

3) Reduce the Content-Length

This is yet another tip that you can follow to come up with good summaries.

When writing a summary, your purpose should be to shorten it as much as possible without leaving out any of the core ideas. In order to do this, you should shrink the total size of the content to 30% or 25% (as per your particular need and requirement).

If you are writing for an institute or a client, then you can simply follow their instructions. But at the same time, you should take care not to make it so short that it does not convey the whole meaning properly.

4) Explain the Main Points

In drafting the summary, you have to explain the main points of the content. Without full guidance, the reader will not get the solution to their problem. Like in how-to articles, you have to explain every single step and provide guidance to the readers in a short length.

So, make sure to write the main points will full explanation, so it will make it easy to read and understand the article by readers.

5) Use Descriptive Words

Writing a paragraph or summary about something, use descriptive words in the content to make it shorter.

Descriptive words describe or provide us with more information about things. The words look smaller but have huge meanings. With this tip, you can easily summarize the article, and it looks adorable.

6) Use online tools to summarize the article

If you are facing any difficulties in summarizing your text with the above steps, then taking assistance from the online summarizing tools could be the best option for you.

An online summary generator gets you content and generates a precise summary of it by taking the key points.

This will save you time manually summarizing lengthy articles and provide quick results.

7) Proofread the Article

The last and final step in writing a summary is proofreading the article. Even if you are generating a summary using a summarizer, you must proofread it. Proofreading means examining your text to find errors and correcting them.

In proofreading, the human eye can detect sentence mistakes or grammar errors which online tools cannot. So, always proofread the article, content, blog, or every piece of writing on your own.


A good summary is often supported by evidence and the main points of the text. And secondly, the keywords tell you what the author is trying to write for the readers to understand.

Always write the summary by mentioning the main points. Without them, the summary is just a piece of writing that is useless. After writing something, check your grammar errors and avoid repetition. Review your work and see if you can make more effective choices about good action verbs.


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