Factors to Consider While Choosing Caribbean Medical School for Graduation

Factors to Consider While Choosing Caribbean Medical School for Graduation

Thinking of doing your medical education abroad? Are you thinking of studying at a Caribbean medical school? Then you are at the right place. In this article, we will look upon the aspects while finding a medical school in the Caribbean.

1) What is the certification process in Caribbean medical schools like?

There are a plethora of options to choose from Caribbean medical schools, but not all of them hold the required accreditation status which is imperative for seeking residency by medical students, as well as earning a medical licensure in America.

After graduating from a Caribbean medical school program, you need to get certified by the ECFMG – or, the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, which is the most popular path of landing a residency in the US as it allows participation in the National Resident Matching program.

Certification requirements for Caribbean medical schools include certain exams and obtaining a medical degree that meet the requirements of the ECFMG. You can dig more information from the World Directory of Medical Schools online.

2) Are there specific requirements for Caribbean medical schools?

Applying to any international school is certainly a daunting process, but very different from the U.S. There is no one right way to answer this question but be sure that you look up individual programs that you are interested in.

Most Caribbean medical schools offer rolling admissions which means admissions are on throughout the spring, fall, and winter months. You should consider schools that ask for unusually low GPA standards as that can be a marker of quality education.

3. How to ensure that you are looking at the right Caribbean School of Medicine?

Asking schools about programs for average applicants is a good place to start toward making sure what all they have to offer in terms of quality education. However, your research shouldn’t stop there. Research about match rates for residences, the number of qualifying candidates for the USMLE exams from the school.

Read Also: How Much Does It Cost to Study in Medical School in the Caribbean?

A good way to start your research is through the school’s website. Because some schools even list residency appointments. Not only that, they include exam performances prominently for prospective students. However, you may have to contact the admissions department if you are seeking some specific information.

4) Do Medical Schools in the Caribbean accept Federal loans from America? 

The options you have to fund your medical school education and it goes beyond just the tuition fee. Most students want to opt for federal funding and look for federal loans. The Federal Student Aid list provides an entire list of international schools recognised by the American federal students loan programs.

Although this list will provide you with an outline, look up each school’s medical programs for funding. Usually, each has one. Also make sure that you search for grants and scholarships.

Now that you have an idea about the prerequisites before picking your school, do not delay and enroll in a program today to further your goals of becoming a physician.


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