How Do You Know If Your Car Has Transmission Problems?

How Do You Know If Your Car Has Transmission Problems?

We all love a smooth car drive and such should be our experience. One always cherishes a ride without any hassle, worry, or vehicle issues, as problems with the vehicle can make us all go mad.

If we notice any car problems, it is best to identify these issues in advance. It will help you save a lot of money since it is easier to rectify the issues at an early stage.

Of all the car problems one can face, transmission problems can make you feel drained. The best part is they don’t happen without warning. So, there are lots of signs that will help you recognize if your car has transmission problems.

Here are some signs of transmission problems to help you identify and save from the discomfort of taking your car on the road.

Used Engines Inc. will assist you to find several transmission problems in your vehicle easily.

Ways To Identify Transmission Problems

Transmission is a critical part of your vehicle. It provides speed and makes your car move forward with ease.

It also helps your car perform smoothly by providing a means of connection and disconnection of an engine with the rest of the transmission system without any shock.

Let’s dive in straight to find out the common transmission problems.

Blinking Engine Light

Multiple sensors in your car can help you detect various problems. They work as warning signs and provide information to find the major and minor problems.

You need to check the engine light on your vehicle’s dashboard first. The red or the blinking light will alert you of any potential problem.

The engine light will turn on as a sign of transmission problems. It is a cause for concern. This is because the sensors have identified jerks and tremors that you might not have noticed yet.

As mentioned above, transmission issues come up with a warning. Acknowledging the engine light will be best for you to be saved from the upcoming turmoil that the transmission issues will bring with them. Visit Natrad if you are interested in car and radiator repair.

Unusual Noisiness

If you are listening to some very strange noises like never heard before, from your vehicle, it could indicate an issue with the transmission.

In some cases, the strange sounds from your vehicle could mean that the transmission fluid needs to be changed by a professional, but it could also mean that the transmission needs to be replaced.

When your car is in neutral and is noisy. It could indicate a problem with the bearings and gear teeth of your car. You must take your car to a mechanic, which requires an engine and a transmission check.

Mixed-up Response

A gear that is functioning properly will show the right movements and change as you do it. But, if you notice that you struggle to change the gears you are likely facing an issue with your transmission system.

You might also notice unusual hesitations or your car completely refusing to shift the gear. The reason for this could be incorrect types of transmission fluid or low levels of it.

Also, the engine’s revolutions per minute and noise should match the engine speed, but if it is not matching, the delayed response in a manual transmission could be the result of this mismatch.

Slipping Gears

Gear shifting is an external input. It is required both in manual and automatic transmissions. It is alarming to note that the gears are slipping out of place when you are driving even when you are not changing gears. It can risk your life.

To know this, you will hear hopping or revving engine sounds, while changing the gear. Symptoms of slipping gears can also include reduced levels of acceleration, extremely strange noises, and difficulty in shifting gears.

This is also referred to as transmission and gears slipping. You will feel like driving over ice or an extremely smooth surface with very little friction to the road.

It is not at all advisable to drive with slipping gears as it can put your life in danger and cause some serious mishaps.

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Foul Burning Smell

Any smell can turn off your mood; if that smell is from your vehicle, you must not consider ignoring it. It means something is not good with your car.

The burning smell could also be a result of a melting heater core, dripping antifreeze, or trapped plastic. Any of these could indicate a serious issue and you must get it checked.

Transmission fluid is needed for the lubrication. It also takes away the heat from the moving parts. The foul smell could indicate that a part of your car is overheating, the transmission fluid is old and burnt, or sludge has accumulated within the gearbox. This can make your car run on an overheated engine and cause severe damage.

You must continue driving your car once the transmission burning smell has been fixed.

Repeated Engine Stalling

Engine stopping suddenly or turning off can be infuriating. This surely is a problem to take notice of and it can indicate a faulty transmission. In such a scenario, the transmission clutch fails to disengage because of the torque converter.

As the transmission provides power to the engine, they are permanently attached. When the transmission clutch fails, it hinders the rotation of the shaft or the differential.

This issue suggests that you should get it fixed as soon as possible to avoid transmission problems and improve the performance of your vehicle.

Dragging Clutch

If you have an automatic transmission, you are unlikely to face this issue. You will notice the dragging clutch in your manual vehicle.

A dragging clutch fails to engage and disengage the clutch disk from the flywheel when you press the clutch pedal. This usually happens when the clutch is misplaced or any other mechanical failure. Mechanical failure can cause the gears to clash.

Extra slack in the clutch pedal can lead the clutch to spin. This would make it impossible for you to change the gears because the clutch would become incapable of transferring the power to the drivetrain.

You will also notice the grinding sound along with the dragging clutch. Make sure to get it changed to avoid additional troubles.

The above discussed are some ways that can help you recognize if your car has transmission problems. These problems can take a toll on you. Let us go through a list of ways to prevent a bad transmission.

  • Do not ignore the engine light warning signs. This is the most important way to help you avoid transmission problems.
  • Ensure optimum levels of transmission fluid. Also, keep a check on fluid leaks. If you own a BMW, it is important to keep an eye on the coolant levels and regularly check for any leaks in the bmw antifreeze parts to prevent transmission issues.
  • Listen to the noises coming from your vehicle carefully, and get the necessary repairs done.
  • Make sure you maintain your car properly and take it to the service center regularly.

By keeping in mind the following points, you can avoid transmission replacement. After taking the necessary precautions, if you still face transmission problems, get your car to a mechanic.


Car enthusiasts need to understand the above-written points thoroughly. If suppose your transmission makes problem while driving. The best alternative is to get the transmission replaced. You can look for used transmissions at affordable prices. You can get access to high-quality used transmissions from their inventory. The best deal is that you can increase the life of your vehicle and get ahead of the situation.


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