7 Ways to Build Your Digital Presence Online

Build Your Digital Presence Online

Several online tools double as search engines. Next to Google, Amazon is arguably the second largest search engine. When you enter keywords for a product, Amazon pulls up a list of possibilities including an exact or best match.

Therefore, you can take several avenues when building your digital presence online.

Appearing online is important for professionals, online entrepreneurs, and owners of brick-and-mortar companies. Researchers continue to find that between 80% to 87% of consumers start a purchase or subscription with online research.

Online Tools

Websites have become versatile digital assets. Even if you upload a one-page site to the internet, it acts as your salesperson 24/7. Other tools include:

  • Social media
  • Blogs
  • Freelancing platforms
  • Online marketplaces

Moreover, starting the process requires minimal investment. You’ll spend time working on the avenues but most have little to no costs in terms of upfront fees.

We outline seven ways to build your digital presence online.

1. Develop a Website

The first step to building a digital presence online is to develop a website and upload it to the internet. You can keep it simple or build one that has several pages. In addition, you can pay professionals to develop it for you or opt to develop it yourself.

Several services have turned into one-stop-shops for website building. Their teams will handle all the details or you can use their builders and do-it-yourself.

Whatever route you pick, remember to:

  • Pick a domain name
  • Purchase hosting
  • Include your business information
  • Include your contact information
  • Allow clients to schedule appointments online

If you want to keep it simple, a one-page site that includes your business and contact information can suffice. The search engines index and rank optimized websites more accurately. Then, potential clients will find you more easily.

2. Create Social Media Accounts

Next, open pertinent social media accounts and use them professionally. Many individuals have put themselves in hot water over jokes that others interpreted as crass.

Thus, open accounts that you will use only for work and others for personal purposes

According to monthly average users, the top three social media platforms are Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. In terms of purpose, professionals have found that YouTube continues gaining traction as the public is streaming in higher numbers.

Instagram is great for short videos and spreading messages through images. It’s a great place to show off before and after work.

Even though Facebook users continue aging, it’s still a global platform that has a significant reach. Thus, it makes sense to claim a professional URL and profile on the site.

After establishing at least one social media account, link them to your website. Then, make connections with professionals in your field.

3. Join Freelancing Platforms

Those who freelance benefit from joining freelancing platforms. Here’s one example of a platform.

By making your freelancing profiles public, you allow the search engines to index them too. Thus, increasing your online presence.

You’ll notice that an online presence is a series of intertwined digital assets. When you want the presence to lead to more work, remember to complete your profiles too.

4. Obtain Reviews

Every online presence requires credibility. As you grow your internet visibility, obtain reviews and showcase the raves.

Adding an online portfolio helps garner reviews. So does complete work through freelancing platforms.

Brick-and-mortar companies accumulate reviews through business listings. Therefore, claim your company on as many online listings as possible.

5. Integrate SEO

Implementing the right business IT solutions can further enhance these efforts, ensuring optimal website performance, improved search engine rankings, and increased online visibility.

As a novice, pick some keywords that apply to your goals and hashtag them. The goal is to own them. Another novice SEO strategy is to claim the same URL extension across platforms. Then, match it to your website domain.

6. Focus on Branding

You can turn your online presence into a passive or active digital marketing endeavor. After picking the best strategy for your situation, ensure that it’s consistent.

When you claim the same URL extension, that’s branding too. If you don’t have a logo yet, use a professional picture of yourself. Then, pick a color palette and use it across platforms too.

7. Produce Content

Whether you need to increase the online presence for your sole proprietorship, small business, or business venture, position yourself as an authority in your field.

Customers appreciate landscaping, gardening, and air conditioning maintenance tips from professionals in these fields. Therefore add content to your website, social media channels, and online platforms. If you fall into the entertainment sector, add videos.

Then, the search engines will index it and rank it, too, along with your website.


In 2022, building a digital presence online is affordable and only requires a few steps. If you need more in-depth digital marketing services, consult with professionals. Additionally, make sure to read the best digital marketing books to further enhance your knowledge in the field. The first step is to start with a website. Then, link social media accounts, integrate SEO, and produce content while keeping your branding consistent.


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