7 Things You Should Know Before Joining Performing Art Classes

7 Things You Should Know Before Joining Performing Art Classes

You’ve just discovered that your kids want to take music, dance, or acting classes. Exciting! While it’s ultimately up to you whether they can attend such a class, it’s important to know what to expect and get the most out of the experience. Here are seven things you need to know before signing your child(ren) up for performing arts classes.

Music and Dance Programs Differ

Musical theatre is different from ballet and other classical dance forms because it requires its students to learn and master multiple styles and techniques (i.e., Jazz, tap & hip-hop) and deviate from these styles to create characters for specific roles through improvisation.

Many Studios Teach Multiple Types of Dance

While you may be looking for a specific type of dance program for your child, it’s important to know that many studios teach multiple types of dance. Some even offer classes in musical theater, acting, and voice. Look for a studio that offers the type of dance you’re interested in, as well as other types of classes that might interest your child.

You May Be Asked to Donate

Many studios rely on donations from their students’ families to keep their programs running. Be prepared to be asked to donate money throughout the year. Some studios have a set amount that they ask for. Others have a more flexible donation policy.

Not All Studios Are Created Equal

Like with any other business, there are good studios and bad studios out there for performing arts classes. Do your research before signing up and ask around for recommendations. If you’re not happy with the studio your child is attending, consider trying a different one.

All Studios Have Different Policies

Some studios have age limits for their students, and others don’t. Some offer very little assistance to parents or guardians in instructing children between classes, and others provide a lot of help and guidance. It’s important to know what you can expect from the studio your child is attending before you decide whether they should continue there or not. If the program isn’t being taught as well as you would like it to be, consider taking over those duties yourself if possible!

You May Be Asked to Help Out In Your Child’s Class

Not all studios require parents/guardians to help out in their child’s class, but some do, especially those run on a volunteer basis. If you’re asked to help out, know that it’s likely because the studio doesn’t have enough volunteers. It’s a great way to get involved in your child’s class and see what they’re doing each week.

7 Things You Should Know Before Joining Performing Art Classes

Classes Are Limited

Many studios only offer classes for a certain number of students, and those classes fill up quickly. If your child is interested in taking music, dance, or acting classes, it’s important to sign them up as soon as possible to ensure they get a spot!

Don’t Let Your Child Quit Too Soon

If your child decides they don’t want to continue with the program after attending for a short period, consider asking them to stick it out at least until the end of that school year. It can be hard to change programs often, and to join performing arts classes is expensive. If possible, see if they’ll give it one full year before making their final decision about continuing or not continuing.

Prepare for Schedules & Commitments

You know what college schedules look like – well, performing arts class schedules usually aren’t all that different! Many students have multiple classes per week that require them to only attend on certain days/times. Make sure you’re prepared for this type of commitment before signing your child up for classes.

Learners Require Many Supplies & Gear

If your child is enrolled in a performing arts class, you can expect to purchase many supplies and gear. This can include everything from dance shoes to costumes. Be prepared to spend money on items you might not have anticipated needing.

Wrapping Up

Performing arts classes are a great way to help children develop their creative side while also providing essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and communication. Before enrolling your child in such a program, be sure to do your research and ask questions so that you know what to expect. By knowing what to expect, both you and your child can get the most out of their performing arts class experience!


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