6 Coffee Drink Ideas for Nurses on the Go


Staying alert and energized is essential when working in health care. Nursing professionals often spend full shifts on their feet, caring for others and putting their needs ahead of their own. A tasty, refreshing coffee drink is the perfect opportunity to boost your energy levels and push off fatigue, helping you get through each shift. We have compiled a list of the top coffee drink ideas for busy nurses on the go.

Benefits of Coffee for Nurses

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, helping nurses and other medical professionals stay alert and awake. Fatigue can easily set in on a long shift, making it difficult to stay aware and focused on patients. Caffeine, in moderation, can energize you through a long nursing shift and allow you to indulge in a tasty treat while working. Coffee drinks may even help boost productivity and efficiency, helping you multitask and power through your day or night.

6 Top Coffee Drinks for Nurses

Whether you prefer your coffee loaded with milk or are more of a straight caffeine coffee drinker, you have many excellent options. Here are a few of our favorite top coffee drinks for nurses to try:

1. Cappuccino

A cappuccino blends equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foamed or frothed milk. A cappuccino is ideal if you enjoy the strong taste of coffee during your shift. Of course, you can also adjust how much espresso or milk you include based on taste preferences. Some people add a bit of sugar to give their cappuccino a sweeter taste. We also recommend adding cinnamon to a cappuccino to change it up between work shifts. A dash of cinnamon gives it a spicy, nutty flavoring.

2. Latte

A latte is an energizing coffee drink with espresso, hot steamed milk, and topped with a layer of foam. Unlike a cappuccino, a latte mixes the espresso and milk for a thicker flavor. This also makes lattes milkier and sweeter than cappuccinos, ideal for a sweeter taste in the middle of a long shift. Lattes are perfect for adding unique ingredients and making fun drinks. Add a few drops of caramel or maple bacon syrup for a unique coffee drink.

An iced latte is the perfect choice if you prefer cold coffee drinks. Pour one or two shots of espresso over a cup of ice. Add in a little frothed milk based on your taste preferences, and then pour the beverage into a to-go cup as you head out the door for your shift. Of course, strong but sweet bottled coffees are also a great way to enjoy cold caffeinated beverages on the go.

3. Flat White

A flat white coffee drink is a mix of micro-foamed milk poured over espresso. Use a single shot of espresso for a little boost of energy, or opt for two shots when you’re feeling especially tired. Because the flat white micro-foam is infused with air, you can expect a delicious beverage that’s smooth and creamy. Flat white drinks also use less milk than cappuccinos or lattes, making it an excellent choice if you want something with less dairy.

4. Espresso Con Panna

The espresso con panna translates to “espresso with cream” in Italian and is a sweeter version of a flat white. Espresso con panna is made using a single or double shot of espresso. The whole drink is then topped off with a scoop of whipped cream and served in a small glass. Consider two or three espresso shots if you want a larger drink that gets you through a late night shift. You can also add to the already rich texture of the espresso con panna by whisking the whipped cream.

5. Café au Lait

When you need all the energy you can get for a double shift, turn to a café au lait. A café au lait, or “coffee with milk,” is a potent French beverage that uses drip-brewed or French-pressed coffee. After freshly drip brewing your favorite coffee, add steamed milk to make a café au lait. The warm milk paired with espresso gives it a powerful scent and flavor. The strong coffee flavors of the café au lait pair perfectly with a pastry or bagel, making it a great drink choice to sip on during your breaks.

6. Mocha

If you prefer sugary-tasting coffee drinks, a mocha may be for you. Add some mocha syrup to your latte for a mocha latte, or blend a cappuccino with some cocoa powder and vanilla. The heat from the coffee or espresso brings out the vibrant, mouthwatering scents of the mocha, making this a delightful drink that will instantly boost your mood.

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Most nursing professionals agree that coffee is a must-have during a busy shift. Whether you prefer a thick, rich coffee or one loaded with chocolate or cocoa flavorings, you’re sure to find your next favorite coffee drink on this list.


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