Working Process of Solenoid Pinch Valve?


    There is no fear of corrosion  and contamination of the valves when using the Solenoid Pinch Valve. The  high quality pneumatic pinch valve deployed  an elastic tubing(sleeve/hose), which closes and opens during the flow of the liquid or gas and maintains the high level of control.The electric pinch valve  is directly connected with the tubing body, and remotely controlled by the operators of valves.

    The solenoid operated pinch valve contains an elstisticied force which reinforces the rubber hose for the operation of the valves. The pinch valve solenoid closes  as soon as the pressurized air supply into the body of the valves occurs . When the air pressure passes through the  pinch solenoid valve starts to open. The process of the opening and closing of the Solenoid Pinch Valve is just automatic and remotely controlled, there is no eruption by any one.

    We are highlighting the working process of the pinch solenoid valve.

    The Portions of the Pinch Valve

    Three major components of the Solenoid Pinch Valve are obvious and we need to study them one by one . These portions are working together to run the functionality  of the valves.

    Three major components of valves are:

    1. A housing of pinch valves

    The complete structure or the frame of the Solenoid Pinch Valve and it provides the shape to the valves. It is the structure where all the parts of the pinch valves are fitted and it is the shape of the high quality pneumatic pinch valve. The housing of the pinch valves is one of the frames around which all the elements of the valve are fitted. If the housing the tough and smooth, then the whole valves would work smoothly

    2. Rubber sleeves of pinch valves

    The solenoid operated pinch valve controls by  the rubber sleeves. The rubber sleeves are fitted in the housing.It  allows the inlet and the outlet flow of the material in the pinch valves. The rubber sleeves allow any material to pass through the Solenoid Pinch Valve. The rubber is the softest portion of the valves but it is the portin causes the pinching effect. The rubber in the pinch valves saves it from rusting or any kind of contamination of the valves.

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    3. End connection of pinch valves

    The high quality pneumatic pinch valve connected with the end connections .The end connection which is  bilted, screwed or threaded at each end. These points support the flow of liquid through and out of the valves. The end connection actually opens and and closes the rubber sleeves. This is why the end connection should be frictionless and smooth. The finest of the material is used to prepare the end connection.

    The Final Thought

    The Solenoid Pinch Valve is used due to their long life and the functionality. These valves are used for a longer time as there is no fear of contamination and rusting of the valves with the passage of the time.


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