December Global Holidays 2022 Complete List

December Global Holidays 2022 Complete List

List of December Global Holidays and Festivities in 2022

1. Hanukkah 2022 December 18th – December 26th
2. Krampusnacht December 5th
3. St. Lucia’s Day December 13th
4. Christmas December 25th
5. Boxing Day December 26th
6. Winter Solstice December 21st
7. New Year’s Eve December 31st
8. Osaka December 31st
9. Kwanza December 26th
10. Las Posadas December 16th to 24th

December is the most celebrated month all over the world. This month is also known as the “world of holidays”.

All the famous festivals like Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year, and Kwanzaa come in this month which makes the month most popular for the events and breaks.

Although this month has the shortest days of the year still they are full of joy and celebrations that can make your moments special and memorable.

Here we have made a list of top festivals that are celebrated all over the world. These events are recognized globally and are waited for the entire year impatiently.

Let’s have a look at all these events along with the traditional celebrations.

December Holidays List

Here is the list of December vacations that every one of us knows about. We will talk about these days in detail.

1) Hanukkah

Hanukkah festival is celebrated for 8 consecutive days in over 21 countries but the main origin of this event is in Israel.

The main story behind this festival is to remember the fight of Jews against the Greeks.

 At that moment, they found a small jug of oil that was supposed to be finished in one day. However, Jews used the oil for 8 days. This was considered a miracle to them.

Not only Jews, but people from all over the world also travel to Israel to enjoy that special moment and remember the moments.

2) Krampusnacht

Krampusnacht is an amazing festival that is becoming famous all over the globe with time. However, the main origin of this event is Germany where it varies from town to town.

This festival is celebrated at the start of December. The main purpose of this holiday is to scare naughty children.

Young people wear frightening masks and go door to door in order to panic the children and make fun of them.

Krampusnacht is celebrated just before Christmas so that the children who misbehave on that special day can be prevented.

3) Santa Lucia

Another global holiday that is celebrated in December is Santa Lucia day. This day is renowned to pay tribute to the three stars that shine in the sky which led three kings to visit the newborn Jesus.

It is believed that Jesus belonged to a poor family and Santa Lucia used to bring food for him and treated him well in those hard days.

In the remembrance of Jesus and Santa Lucia, this day is celebrated in Sweden where people from all over the globe come and join the party.

Here they exchange gifts with each other and give food and clothes to the children to make a resemblance with the Santa Lucia act.

4) Christmas

Christmas doesn’t need any introduction. This is one of the most awaited events for the entire year which is celebrated in every part of the world on 25th December.

According to the Christians, on this day Jesus was born who helped humanity and did good activities during his entire life.

On this day, people exchange gifts with each other, families and friends get together to have a good time, eat good food and celebrate the moments.

It’s a great time for everyone to spend time with their loved ones.

5) Boxing Day

Just after Christmas, Boxing Day is celebrated all over the globe when people give boxes to the poor and make them happy.

This day is celebrated to remember the poor people during their happy moments and give them a chance to spend a good time along with all others.

People go to beaches, give gift boxes, and eat healthy foods on this day to enjoy the moments to make them special.

Moreover, the gifts given to others are presented with notes or prizes.

6) Winter Solstice and Yule

For many cultures, this day is celebrated on the 21st and 22nd of December to celebrate the shortest day of the year when people do spiritual practices.

This is one of the oldest and most popular holidays all over the world. Building a Yule altar, making an evergreen Yule wreath, lighting a Yule log, and decorating a Yule tree are some traditional methods to mark Yuletide.

People light up their houses after dark, put candles in their bags, hang evergreen plants to increase their beauty, and give gifts to their families and friends.

7) New Year’s Eve

If you say you don’t know about this event, you are actually lying. This is one of the most well-known festivals that is celebrated everywhere to welcome the New Year in a warm way.

This night is celebrated everywhere according to their traditions. In some countries, people throw parties and welcome the year very loudly. While others just go for exchanging gifts and having a good time with their family and friends at the dinners.

Some religious people give thanks for the year that just passed and welcome the upcoming year with the good wishes that they want to fulfill by setting their goals.

8) Osaka

This is a religious day celebrated in Japan on the last day of the year to welcome the New Year in a unique way.

In Japan, it is also called an Omisoka. People clean their houses all day and prepare traditional foods for the special night.

The most important occasion is when the Buddhist bell is rung 108 times and people eat noodles along with other foodstuffs.

Whether you are a believer or don’t belong to any religion, this day is celebrated all over the country so you are off from the schools and offices.

9) Kwanzaa

The term Kwanzaa is derived from a Swahili phrase that means “first fruits”. This symbolizes the customs found in west and southeast Africa on harvest festivals.

This is a seven-day festival that starts on 26th December and the main aim is to celebrate culture, family, and heritage.

Some people consider it as an alternative to Christmas day which is celebrated for seven days and people spend their time with family and friends.

The lighting of seven candles is also important as it is a sign of seven guiding principles.

10) Las Posadas

This festival is also the part of Christmas that is celebrated as a cheering moment when Mary and Joseph found shelter for Jesus.

It is believed that the shelter for Jesus was found after a long struggle. Now people enjoy this moment by singing traditional songs and spending time in their friends’ houses.

Also, at that moment such people are being searched who are looking for shelter. Those who own their houses offer food and shelter to the needy for one day in remembrance of Jesus.

Bottom Lines

We get holidays all over the year on different occasions. However, when it comes to December, is considered a special month where we get a lot of holidays because of events.

Because of this reason, the month is also called the “Month of holidays”. Every second day there is a new event and vacation for that.

In this article, we have talked about all the famous holidays that are celebrated all over the world. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.


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